3) Polytechnion ( Athens )


National Monuments

1) Alexander the Great

2) The Glass runner

3) Polytechnion

4) Kalavrita Massacre Monument

5) Mon. to E.Venizelos


An Inter/nal Mon. in Greece ( Mon. to "Acqui" Division )


















Location : 28th of October avenue, Athens

Year of creation : 1980

Material : Bronze

Description : A head of a young man ( Univ.-stud.)

Artists : Unlisted

Institution that promoted its manufacture : Unlisted

Place where it is situated : “Patission NTUA Campus”

Reasons of manufacture : To honor the youth’s fightings against the dictatorship 1967-1974

The struggles against the military dictatorship of 1967-74 escalated with the student gathering at the NTUA Patission Campus on the 14th of February, 1973, followed by an unprecedented brutal attack by the police inside the campus and the arrest of several students. This was followed by demonstrations, the occupation of the Law School of the University of Athens on 23rd February, and again on 20th March. Each of these demonstrations was met by force. The protest culminated in the greatest blow against the Junta, the Polytechnion (NTUA) Uprising in November, 1973.

Events began on Wednesday, 14th November, and ended on November 17th 1973 with the unprovoked intervention of army tanks and the attack by the army and police against those besieged inside the NTUA Campus and the demonstrating supporters outside in Patission Str. These few days saw the growth of an impressive popular uprising centered at NTUA. The people of Greece and the country's youth all rallied in support of the students, united around the ideals: Freedom, Democracy, Independence, Education and Social Progress. The toll of the Polytechnion uprising was tragic. Several demonstrators were killed; many more were arrested by the military police and were tortured for months in military prisons.

The Junta fell a few months later and Polytechnion is being commemorated every year on November the 17th by the students, high school pupils, the NTUA Senate, the democratic authorities, political parties, the Greek Parliament and the people of Greece.

The Polytechnion Uprising is an outstanding event in recent Greek history. NTUA honored the victims of the Uprising with a monument within its courtyard, opposite the gate which the tanks of the dictatorship demolished that night. The monument was placed alongside the column commemorating the National Resistance. The two memorials emphasize the continued struggle of the Greek people and the country's youth over the years.



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